Creative Critical Reflection

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Mar 28, 2022

Filming pt. 2: Studio Scene

 Me and my partner met up at my house to finish recording the studio scene. Fortunately, we were able to finish filming by Wednesday. The filming went very well, and it also looked great thanks to the special lighting we bought. During the studio scene, we had some issues with technology: FL studio wasn't working, and it took  me about 30 minutes to get it running again. This was important since it was the main element that made that scene look good. Additionally, Santiago's phone camera was glitching, but it was quickly fixed after he powered it off and turned it back on.

Anyways, here's a sneak peak of the scene.

Video of Dave falling asleep, before the title queues

Video of Dave playing guitar

I changed the color for each layer of sound in the project, which would contrast with the other simple textured scenes of the movie. Our idea was that it would be representative of Dave Walker's creative mind, while the other scenes (the office, the morning scene) are representative of Dave's deteriorating mental health.

All in all, the studio scene was the hardest to make, since we had to set up many lights, props and equipment to make it look like that. Despite this, it was also the most fun to create. 

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