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Feb 15, 2022

The Making of a Drama Film Opening: The Genre of Drama


What is a drama film?

Drama films have you involved, and really make most reflect on the topic at hand. Generally, drama relies heavily on conflict. They are not light films, since they present difficult situations, most common in our society. One could use preexisting incidents or conflicts, or create completely original ideas to write their Drama, there are no restrictions. This type of film is created for those who love to immerse themselves in the lives of the characters and understand the feelings experienced by them when going through the conflicts presented. Titanic is the perfect example of a dramatic film. 

1997’s Titanic Poster

Who is Drama meant for and how is it best marketed?

Anyone really. Most of us can relate to different tragedies or conflicts, despite not having them happening to us in real life. However, in marketing terms, the target audience of Drama is very broad. Very frequently, Dramas are marketed to the female audience. Those that are targeted to the male audience are usually called “Guy Cry” and can be any collection of mainstream films. The reason for this is because Dramas attempt to focus on universal struggles, which seem to appeal more to the emotions of the female audience. Despite this, drama films are very broad, there is usually a mix in of other genres, making most drama movies not drama-pure. This enables the sub-genres to decide on the audience being targeted more often than not. The best way drama is marketed (and all movie genres to be exact) is through trailers. Having a trailer that gives us the core plot/story of the movie without spoiling the whole movie is crucial to hook an audience. Drama can use extra help from music and sound. Having an inconsistent, yet emotional and thrilling soundtrack play in trailers and openings can add on to the effect of struggle, and get viewers to wonder how this conflict will be resolved. And there it is, the answer to a good Drama is to make viewers question whether or not the conflict presented in the film will be resolved. This tension is enlightening and euphoric.

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